About: Testimonials
What Our Clients Have to Say:
“I just want to tell you again how much I enjoy my weekly massages with you. I can honestly say that it is one of the best things about working at this firm. The fact that you come to our location and we are able to take the time to have a massage during the work day is a gift. I have benefitted greatly from your treatments, not only in physical and mental well being, but in productivity. I highly recommend your services to my friends in the community and suggest they petition their employers for this service in their office.”
- Jeri T.
“Oh my goodness, Anita. Your massages are the best thing since sliced bread. When I go in for my massage I am so tense and when I come out I am so refreshed, relaxed and much more productive. I am so glad to have you – you are the best.”
- Darlene T.
“Anita is a great massage therapist. I have been to several therapists in the past and by far Anita is the best. She is very experienced and knows what to do to get a knot out and finds exactly where the pain is coming from. I highly recommend her.”
- Raquel D.
“I used to take prescription strength ibuprophen daily for pain in my neck, arms and hands. Now that I receive regular massage, pain medication is a thing of the past. Thank you.”
- Richard T.
“Anita is great! When I need a deep tissue massage, she gives it. When I want a relaxing massage, she gives it. She puts 100% into what she does and it shows. I can always count on feeling better when she gives me a massage. She has helped me work on my tennis elbow, my stiff neck and the shooting pain from my neck into my right hand. She is very knowledgeable on identifying and treating my aches and pains. I would definitely recommend her.”